“Our mission is to grow strong entrepreneurial mindsets, free from stress, and balanced between work and life.” ~ Andy Anderson
Helping minds grow through self-education, self-motivation, and self-care.
At Learn Stuff daily we believe that the well trained mind is something that comes from dedication, repitition, and action. You can never stop learning at least one new thing daily, applying what you learn, and opening doors to tomorow by becoming a source of wisdom for your peers.
The 4 Secrets Of Success
My personal journey in Entrepreneurship started small with earning my first bike at age 8 cutting lawns and raking leaves. By 10 it was shining shoes and reinvesting in swap meet merchandise to add to my parents weekend stand. At age 14 I started my first real business detailing Over the Road Trucks. It was at that age I initially wrote my 4 secrets of success which have been refined through experience but still stand today.
- Strong Mind. You can never stop learning.
- Strong Body. Your physical and mental health matter more than dollars in a bank account.
- True Heart. Be honest with all you come in contact with including YOURSELF!
- Faith. The best for last starts with faith in yourself and your self-worth. You started in this world unable to walk, talk, feed yourself, or anything you take for granted today and can do anything you choose to work for.
Motivation Comes From Within
I am a firm believer that you can put any words on a piece of paper or meme online and it will inspire a positive or negative reaction but it will never fail to motivate someone. It is not because the words were exceptional or inspiring but because at least one reader decided to act on what they read.
Sel-Motivation works like that. You choose the things that can motivate and guide you but the real magic comes from within. It is you taking the power of those words and acting on them that becomes a result. This can be a mindset shift, a new piece of the puzzel to a current project, or a dream you are finally able to build. Just knowing you can and you are, leads to YOU DID IT!
Brain Training Should Include Work/Life Balance
I found out the hard way that success forced into fruition can come at a tremendous cost. Looking back 11 years ago as of the time of this writing I had a nervous breakdown after a 9 year stint of pulling 100+ hour weeks. I had no time to enjoy what I was building because I felt too much duty to grow the business faster for my team and my family so I sacraficed ME.
One thing you will find as this blog and eventual newsletter gets off the ground is that we will have reminders often to just take time out to breath each day, to meditate if you choose, and to sleep and enjoy life.
What To Expect from Learn Stuff Daily
Our post will be a regular part of your life if you choose to subscribe to our newsletter. In each edition you will find something to trigger a response in your mind. Be it a list of inspiring quotes, new business tips and training, or something to improve your productivity. You never know what will come next from our big brains to yours.
The best part is subscribing is Free to do. Our site is monetized by affiliate marketing and advertising revenues not subscription sales. Simply fill out the form below to join us.
We never rent, sell, or share your contact details and limit the number of commercial mails sent.